Vendasta's end-to-end sales solution for companies that serve local businesses, and want to grow digital revenue.
Access to award-winning automated needs-assessment and email marketing automation. Unlimited emails sent to unlimited accounts.
Access to world-class resellable products & services, aimed to fulfilling the digital marketing needs of your small & medium sized business clients.
Portal for your local business clients, featuring your agency’s branding. They can access the products purchased from your Marketplace.
Phone, Email and Web Chat support,
9am-9pm EST Mon-Fri,
2pm-7pm EST Sat-Sun
One-on-one with a Vendasta Success Manager, who will provide sales training so you reach your goals quickly.
Fully white-label the platform on your agency's own domains.
Multi-client agency fulfillment & task management app for teams.
Access to multi-location brand management app.
Access to our managed advertising service. Drive store visits, calls, texts & form fills for your clients.
Face to face training from our experts to yours.
APIs to use our products in your dashboards.
Outsource your work to our fulfillment team.
Digital Agency Email and phone communication under your brand. Customized workflows and toll-free numbers.
Vendasta's end-to-end sales solution for companies that serve local businesses, and want to grow digital revenue.
Access to award-winning automated needs-assessment and email marketing automation. Unlimited emails sent to unlimited accounts.
Access to world-class resellable products & services, aimed to fulfilling the digital marketing needs of your small & medium sized business clients.
Portal for your local business clients, featuring your agency’s branding. They can access the products purchased from your Marketplace.
Phone, Email and Web Chat support,
9am-9pm EST Mon-Fri,
2pm-7pm EST Sat-Sun
One-on-one with a Vendasta Success Manager, who will provide sales training so you reach your goals quickly.
Fully white-label the platform on your agency's own domains.
Multi-client agency fulfillment & task management app for teams.
Access to multi-location brand management app.
Access to our managed advertising service. Drive store visits, calls, texts & form fills for your clients.
Face to face training from our experts to yours.
APIs to use our products in your dashboards.
Outsource your work to our fulfillment team.
Digital Agency Email and phone communication under your brand. Customized workflows and toll-free numbers.
Vendasta's end-to-end sales solution for companies that serve local businesses, and want to grow digital revenue.
Access to award-winning automated needs-assessment and email marketing automation. Unlimited emails sent to unlimited accounts.
Access to world-class resellable products & services, aimed to fulfilling the digital marketing needs of your small & medium sized business clients.
Portal for your local business clients, featuring your agency’s branding. They can access the products purchased from your Marketplace.
Phone, Email and Web Chat support,
9am-9pm EST Mon-Fri,
2pm-7pm EST Sat-Sun
One-on-one with a Vendasta Success Manager, who will provide sales training so you reach your goals quickly.
Fully white-label the platform on your agency's own domains.
Multi-client agency fulfillment & task management app for teams.
Access to multi-location brand management app.
Access to our managed advertising service. Drive store visits, calls, texts & form fills for your clients.
Face to face training from our experts to yours.
APIs to use our products in your dashboards.
Outsource your work to our fulfillment team.
Digital Agency Email and phone communication under your brand. Customized workflows and toll-free numbers.
Vendasta's end-to-end sales solution for companies that serve local businesses, and want to grow digital revenue.
Access to award-winning automated needs-assessment and email marketing automation. Unlimited emails sent to unlimited accounts.
Access to world-class resellable products & services, aimed to fulfilling the digital marketing needs of your small & medium sized business clients.
Portal for your local business clients, featuring your agency’s branding. They can access the products purchased from your Marketplace.
Email and Web Chat support,
9am-9pm EST Mon-Fri,
2pm-7pm EST Sat-Sun
One-on-one with a Vendasta Success Manager, who will provide sales training so you reach your goals quickly.
Fully white-label the platform on your agency's own domains.
Multi-client agency fulfillment & task management app for teams.
Access to multi-location brand management app.
Access to our managed advertising service. Drive store visits, calls, texts & form fills for your clients.
Face to face training from our experts to yours.
APIs to use our products in your dashboards.
Outsource your work to our fulfillment team.
Digital Agency Email and phone communication under your brand. Customized workflows and toll-free numbers.
Denumire | Pret |
Platphorma SQL Client
600 Euro + TVA |
Platphorma SQL Server
1000 Euro + TVA |
Modul Salarizare BANI Small - Client | 200 Euro + TVA |
Modul Salarizare BANI Small - Server | 300 Euro + TVA |
Modul Salarizare BANI Standard - Client | 400 Euro + TVA |
Modul Salarizare BANI Standard - Server | 600 Euro + TVA |
Modul Salarizare BANI Expert - Client | 700 Euro + TVA |
Modul Salarizare BANI Expert - Server | 1000 Euro + TVA |
CRM Profesional (include Managementul Documentelor) | 1200 Euro + TVA |
Modul Aprovizionare si Desfacere | 2000 Euro + TVA |
Managementul Documentelor | 600 Euro + TVA |
Modul lucru în regim multibalanță ( funcție de centru de profit - pe toate conturile) - în special pentru cei care lucrează cu proiecte europene | 300 Euro + TVA |
Modul lucru cu rețele ( export XML sau altfel - pretul este pentru o singura retea si o singura firma - licentiere pe cod fiscal ) | 400 Euro + TVA |
Turism, alimentație publică | 300 Euro + TVA |
Turism, recepție hotelieră | 300 Euro + TVA |
Turism, ambele de mai sus | 500 Euro + TVA |
Modul POS | 600 Euro + TVA |
Modul Managementul Proiectelor | 1600 Euro + TVA |
Service auto si utilaje | 500 Euro + TVA |
Programri si rezervari online | 500 Euro + TVA |
Sincronizare date din alte app | Negociabil in functie de cerintele clientului |
Administrare parcari | 600 Euro + TVA |
Managementul utilitatilor | 1000 Euro + TVA |
Modul Tipografie | 3000 Euro + TVA |
Modul Optica Medicala | 1000 Euro + TVA |
Modul conectare case de marcat | 80 Euro + TVA |